Saturday, March 14, 2009



Each types has its own used to people but in drug abusing each of the types has its own effects to the body, like being energetic, pleasurable, reduces hungerness, being awake, etc. These are the few reasons why many people became drug users or drug addicts but in exchange of the pleasures are the very deadly and curseful effects like the collapsing of the veins, liver and kidney diseases, bacterial infections of the blood and the worst is DEATH.
Drug abusing is very lethal, using it is a matter of risking a person's life, Genuinely speaking, for me drugs are so abundant, abundant that some of it may take a person's life but it is up to the people to use drugs wisely. It is a matter of knowledge, discpline, being optimistic to life, and fighting against drug abuse.


Drugs helps a lot of people in curing sickness and other diseases but too much used or the wrong used of drugs may lead to addiction.
We are aware that selling of illegal drugs are prevalent, many young people used drugs for their satisfaction they don't know the risks behind the drug abusing. Also using too much drug the effect a person's mind cannot actively unaware of what he was doing. The effects are very lethal the brain, the heart rate and the whole body.
Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, involves the repeated and excessive use of chemical substances to achieve a certain effect. These substances may be “street” or “illicit” drugs, illegal due to their high potential for addiction and abuse. They also may be drugs obtained with a prescription, used for pleasure rather than for medical reasons.
Different drugs have different effects. Some, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, may produce an intense “rush” and initial feelings of boundless energy. With time, the brain’s chemistry is actually altered to the point where not having the drug becomes extremely uncomfortable and even painful. This compelling urge to use, addiction, becomes more and more powerful, disrupting work, relationships, and health.


Cogito means I think therefore I am
ergo sum means to Rene Descartes

means Garbage In, Garbage Out

Non Secutur
means Illogical

" We are gods pretending to be fools "

Questions to be answered
note: there is no wrong or right answers

1.What will you do if you're walking in the forest and saw a key?
2.You continue walking and saw a broken jar, what will you do?
3. Saw a burnt house, what wil you do?
4. Saw a river, What will you do?
5. Saw a lion, What will you do?

My Answers
1. I'll get it and put it inside my pocket
2. I'll avoid
3. I'll just get pass on to it
4. I'll cross the river if I see a stone path
5. I'll just keep on looking at it, eye to eye


1. key means money
2. broken jar means friend
3. I forgot the meaning of burnt house
4. river means sex life or sex
5. lion means problems


Phobia Feared Object or Situation

Acrophobia Heights
Aerophobia Flying
Agoraphobia Open spaces, public places
Aichmophobia Sharp pointed objects
Ailurophobia Cats
Amaxophobia Vehicles, driving
Anthropophobia People
Aquaphobia Water
Arachnephobia Spiders
Astraphobia Lightning
Batrachophobia Frogs, amphibians
Blennophobia Slime
Brontophobia Thunder
Carcinophobia Cancer
Claustrophobia Closed spaces, confinement
Clinophobia Going to bed
Cynophobia Dogs
Dementophobia Insanity
Dromophobia Crossing streets
Emetophobia Vomiting
Entomophobia Insects
Genophobia Sex
Gephyrophobia Crossing bridges
Hematophobia Blood
Herpetophobia Reptiles
Homilophobia Sermons
Linonophobia String
Monophobia Being alone
Musophobia Mice
Mysophobia Dirt and germs
Nudophobia Nudity
Numerophobia Numbers
Nyctophobia Darkness, night
Ochlophobia Crowds
Ophidiophobia Snakes
Ornithophobia Birds
Phasmophobia Ghosts
Pnigophobia Choking
Pogonophobia Beards
Siderodromophobia Trains
Taphephobia Being buried alive
Thanatophobia Death
Trichophobia Hair
Triskaidekaphobia The number 13
Trypanophobia Injections
Zoophobia Animals


Aural creature- women
Visual creature- men

Kinds of Intelligence

Emotional Quotient
Intelligence Quotient
Spiritual Quotient
Physical Intelligence


6 Tools for Successful Leadership
(Jack welch)

1. Control your destiny or someon else will.
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or your wish it was.
3. Be candid with everyone
4. Don't manage,Lead
5. Change, before you have to.
6. If you don't have the competitive advantage don't compete.

4 Es of Jack Welch
1. Energy
2. Ability to energize others
4. Execution


Sensation is the
meaningful source of human,
help by the senses.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

About Intelligence

Intelligence has been associated with what the individual can do in a new situation of ever increasing difficulty within a minimum amount of time.

IQ ( Intelligence Quotient )
IQ is both of prior educational achievement and a predictor of subsequent educational performance. Because the functions taught in the educational system are of basic importance in our culture, IQ is also an effective predictor of performance in many occupations and many activities of adult life.

3 Classifications of Mental Retardation
. Severe mental Retardation ( custodial)
. Moderate Mental Retardation (trainable)
. Mild Mental Retardation (educable)

Gifted/talented children are those who possess an untrained and spontaneously expressed natural ability in at least one ability domain significantly beyond that typically seen in children of the same age.


Development is a progress series of changes that occur as result of maturation and experience. Development is a process that produces a progressive series of changes that are coherent and which lead to and end with maturity.

Factors of Development
1. Heredity

Principles of Heredity
1. Principle of Reproduction
2. Principle of Variation
3. Principle of Chance
4. Principle of Dominance and Recessiveness
5. Principle of Sex-linked Characteristics

Principles of Development
1. Development is orderly and follows a sequential pattern, which is predictable.
2. Development is the product of the interaction of maturation and learning.
3.There are individual differences in development.
4. Development proceeds by stages

Timetable of prenatal Development
. Period of the Zygote
. Period of the Embryo
. Period of the Fetus


1. Vision
2. Hearing
3. Taste
4. Smell
5. Touch

Factors that Influence Perception

Change in Stimulus


Phobia refers to an unrealistic and irrational fear to a certain thing or object. It is hard for a person to overcome the fear perhaps they experienced a traumatic event that causes them to fear someone or something. Phobia is like that a person is living in terror, over 7 million people all over the world who has this kind of abnormal mental behavior but it is not severe it can be overcome.

Monday, March 9, 2009


OD is a systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels.

Organization is a planned coordination of the activities of the number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goal.

Development is the act, process, result or state of being developed- which it turn means to advance, to promote the growth of, to evolve the possibilities of or enhance something


Deviations in the Mode of Sexual Behavior

Oro and Ano- genital Activities

Deviation in a Sexual Object


Phobia refers to
an unrealistic fear
in certain object.


Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder usually occurs when someone is experiencing; frustrations, depressions etc. Those are the few factors that can trigger a person's mind to break down. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia are hearing voices, creating imaginary characters, dillusions. It is like when a schizophrenic person enters into a crowded area he/she feels like the people there are watching him/her and talking about him/her although not.
It is a lifetime illness, the treatment goes to a long psychological test because the movie "Secret Window" the main character's simple response to the depression he has experiencing, it turned out that he became violent without his awareness, he just realize it though but too late. All the people, he knows that he was the victim but the people who were asked by him became the victims.
Genuinely speaking, it is dreadful but others should understand their situation because it is very difficult. They need help because being insensitive to their welfare may push their mind to its limit like Johnny Depp in Secret Window.
If you think you are bitten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't
If you like to win but you think you can
it's almost a cinch you won't
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


AIDS is a serious
kind of illness that can get
from sex intercourse.


a severe mental disor-
der that is life long.
-is derived from the Greek word "psyche" which means soul and "logos" which means discourse, knowledge or study.
- it is a science that concerns primarily with those questions man has asked himself.
- it can aid your own search for understanding about memory, stress, memory, love,persuasion, hypnosis, perception, death, etc.

1. Inspection Method
2.Observation Method
3.Experimental Method
4. Survey Method
5.Empericism (empirical method)

Psychology started from the idea of Greek philosophers, which use the assumptions without verifying them and did much speculation about the motivational aspects of human behavior.

Different Schools of Psychology

Branches of Psychology
General Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Comparative Psychology
Legal/Forensic Psychology
Social Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Educational Psychology
Industrial- Organizational Psychology


The first in our list is the case of Crystal Todd who was murdered. The 17 year old girl was last saw in the afternoon in her piano school. Investigator Lt. William Knowles stated that according to the evidence the victim knows who was the suspect. By the use of the blood samples and other evidences they discovered that it was Crystal's boyfriend who murdered her. The second case was the serial arsonists, the Arson's building was burnt by unknown suspects, imprints and other trails were trace in the location. There are witnesses who stated and described about the culprits. Soon they found out that the son of the owner of the building burned it.

Rachel was a good police officer, the night of April 25, 1996 on Florida, she was murdered with her 7 month old child in their own car. Police suspected that the murderer was the father of the child. But later on they discovered that the culprit was the father's older sister. The bombing at 5th Avenue during 1950's was terrible many people were hurt and died. Investigations found out that the bombing was made by a psychotic man. Roy Hazelwood the profiler made many books about the diseases or disorder of mind. They catch the psychotic person and was send to the mental institution. The 2nd to the last case was the murderer of two sons named Mike 3 years old and Alex Smith 7 month old, the death of the two children was exposed to the media by their mother, Susan Smith. The investigators interviewed her and they noticed that there are a lots of holes in her alibis, enable to them to investigate her and they discovered the letter that her present husband sent her. The letter tells that her husband now can't take it to be with Susan because of the children. Caldwell concluded that the letter has a big impact for Susan to kill the boys children. She was arrest and punishing her for life imprisonment. How can a mother kill her own children.

The last case was the murder of 15 women. A predator hunting its prey, a serial killer was behind those non stop murder. On the day of June 26, 1989 a woman found at the Riverside Country, dead with multiple stabs in different parts of the body. Investigators and the Mike Prodan suspected of the serial killer she was the 11th victim, after four years the 12th the next 3 weeks the 13th until the police formed an operation to catch the killer and he was caught. William Saft was put on the death row.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


H.I.V or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus causes AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, it infects and destroys the cells of an individual. A person who is positive in HIV may experienced some high risks especially if a person is pregnant, the possibilities of transmission may occur. There are few individuals were interviewed about their cases.

Steve Kovacev has AIDS, in his case the virus is already spreading all over his body and the T-cells were destroy little by little as time goes by. The scientists made some drugs in order to stop or lessen the viruses that slowly destroying Steve's immune system. Although there are some alternatives that were prescribed for him, for Steve "tomorrow is not a promise" there's always a threat inside his body. But after a few years he is experiencing the medicine's side effects, because his body is not that good in responding to the medicines.

Lisa Howard was infected by the HIV virus from his ex- boyfriend, when she discovered it, she tried to live a normal life until she met her now husband David Howard, despite of her illness they continue to live a normal life. The AIDS is not in its terminal stage unlike to Steve, Lisa takes some medicine to control the spread of the virus. The couple was very thankful because none of their three daughters are infected thanks to the medicine that Lisa takes.

Experts say that the virus causing AIDS may be stop entering the T-cell through the GP-41 Protein that blocks the HIV virus to enter the cell now they are the developing this medicine. Also the voluunteers even the teachers from different schools and universities are educating the students about the high life risks and the danger in having an AIDS. Studies shows that the people mostly infected by the virus is from ages 13-20 in the United Staes, mostly the young ones it is a genuine observation, and the numbers of HIV positives in the U.S.A is almost 900,000 people.