Saturday, March 14, 2009



Each types has its own used to people but in drug abusing each of the types has its own effects to the body, like being energetic, pleasurable, reduces hungerness, being awake, etc. These are the few reasons why many people became drug users or drug addicts but in exchange of the pleasures are the very deadly and curseful effects like the collapsing of the veins, liver and kidney diseases, bacterial infections of the blood and the worst is DEATH.
Drug abusing is very lethal, using it is a matter of risking a person's life, Genuinely speaking, for me drugs are so abundant, abundant that some of it may take a person's life but it is up to the people to use drugs wisely. It is a matter of knowledge, discpline, being optimistic to life, and fighting against drug abuse.


Drugs helps a lot of people in curing sickness and other diseases but too much used or the wrong used of drugs may lead to addiction.
We are aware that selling of illegal drugs are prevalent, many young people used drugs for their satisfaction they don't know the risks behind the drug abusing. Also using too much drug the effect a person's mind cannot actively unaware of what he was doing. The effects are very lethal the brain, the heart rate and the whole body.
Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, involves the repeated and excessive use of chemical substances to achieve a certain effect. These substances may be “street” or “illicit” drugs, illegal due to their high potential for addiction and abuse. They also may be drugs obtained with a prescription, used for pleasure rather than for medical reasons.
Different drugs have different effects. Some, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, may produce an intense “rush” and initial feelings of boundless energy. With time, the brain’s chemistry is actually altered to the point where not having the drug becomes extremely uncomfortable and even painful. This compelling urge to use, addiction, becomes more and more powerful, disrupting work, relationships, and health.


Cogito means I think therefore I am
ergo sum means to Rene Descartes

means Garbage In, Garbage Out

Non Secutur
means Illogical

" We are gods pretending to be fools "

Questions to be answered
note: there is no wrong or right answers

1.What will you do if you're walking in the forest and saw a key?
2.You continue walking and saw a broken jar, what will you do?
3. Saw a burnt house, what wil you do?
4. Saw a river, What will you do?
5. Saw a lion, What will you do?

My Answers
1. I'll get it and put it inside my pocket
2. I'll avoid
3. I'll just get pass on to it
4. I'll cross the river if I see a stone path
5. I'll just keep on looking at it, eye to eye


1. key means money
2. broken jar means friend
3. I forgot the meaning of burnt house
4. river means sex life or sex
5. lion means problems


Phobia Feared Object or Situation

Acrophobia Heights
Aerophobia Flying
Agoraphobia Open spaces, public places
Aichmophobia Sharp pointed objects
Ailurophobia Cats
Amaxophobia Vehicles, driving
Anthropophobia People
Aquaphobia Water
Arachnephobia Spiders
Astraphobia Lightning
Batrachophobia Frogs, amphibians
Blennophobia Slime
Brontophobia Thunder
Carcinophobia Cancer
Claustrophobia Closed spaces, confinement
Clinophobia Going to bed
Cynophobia Dogs
Dementophobia Insanity
Dromophobia Crossing streets
Emetophobia Vomiting
Entomophobia Insects
Genophobia Sex
Gephyrophobia Crossing bridges
Hematophobia Blood
Herpetophobia Reptiles
Homilophobia Sermons
Linonophobia String
Monophobia Being alone
Musophobia Mice
Mysophobia Dirt and germs
Nudophobia Nudity
Numerophobia Numbers
Nyctophobia Darkness, night
Ochlophobia Crowds
Ophidiophobia Snakes
Ornithophobia Birds
Phasmophobia Ghosts
Pnigophobia Choking
Pogonophobia Beards
Siderodromophobia Trains
Taphephobia Being buried alive
Thanatophobia Death
Trichophobia Hair
Triskaidekaphobia The number 13
Trypanophobia Injections
Zoophobia Animals


Aural creature- women
Visual creature- men

Kinds of Intelligence

Emotional Quotient
Intelligence Quotient
Spiritual Quotient
Physical Intelligence


6 Tools for Successful Leadership
(Jack welch)

1. Control your destiny or someon else will.
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or your wish it was.
3. Be candid with everyone
4. Don't manage,Lead
5. Change, before you have to.
6. If you don't have the competitive advantage don't compete.

4 Es of Jack Welch
1. Energy
2. Ability to energize others
4. Execution


Sensation is the
meaningful source of human,
help by the senses.